Thursday 14 October 2010

How Editing Manipulates Time

There are many different tupes of manipulates of time but there are 4 in just 1 scene in 300 they are real time that is were it is real and it is happening right now.Slow motion that is were every thing is slowed down to give more of a dramatic effect. fast mostion that is were every thing has been speed up any everything is moving faster and gives of more effect. and there was a long take so there was no cuts and it was in one big take and it was all put together in one scene.

300 first battle

Transition Types

info from Chris blog
Transitions, eg cut (jump-cutting), dissolve, fade, wipe. perpose of storytelling (engaging the viewer, providing and withholding information, development of drama, relationship to genre); combination of shots; 180o rule; creating pace. 

There are many Transitions yoused in film but ones that you would see is in starwars why use the wipe and the fade these sorts of stials are use in many films but in most films it is the fade and it is very pobuler in many films .

All of this transitions are very important to film because with out them then film would not be as good in most films you do not need any of them but it can also make a film that is why they are very good with the editing.

With the wipe it would go from one screen to the other so from one location to the other one of the best examples is starwars.

it would fade from one screen to a different place and it could be something completely different for examples starwars has it.

it would cut from one screen to the other or it could be in a conversation when they talk to each other for example starwars has it.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Editing styles and conventions

 There are many different styles of montage there is the french, soviet and Hollywood.
info from Wikipedia
  1. In French film practice, "montage" has its literal French meaning (assembly, installation) and simply identifies editing.
  2. In Soviet film making of the 1920s, "montage" was a method of juxtaposing shots to derive new meaning that did not exist in either shot alone.
  3. In classical Hollywood cinema, a "montage sequence" is a short segment in a film in which narrative information is presented in a condensed fashion. This is the most common meaning among laymen                   
In Hollywood film the meaning of montage is condensing time so it would seem like it was real life and it was happening so people would think that is it not a film it was really happening to someone for example in the film UP you see and young boy who is at the cinema and he is watching a explorer and when he is walling home from the cinema he meats a girl and they in a shot space of time they are growing old together and it is going throw there life until the wife dies and goings in to the story of how he wont's to move wear they all was wonted to life since they were kids.

with the soviet montage they would get a image so it would tell one story and then they would put other images in so it would have a differnt meaning and the audienc would think that it is deffernt for exampel with lev kuleshov he maid the film juxtaposition there was a man with one exspreshion on his face and there was a image of a boll of soop a woman over a cofen and a littal girl playing with a toy and it would cut to him and then ofone of the images and people thorght that he was think that it was sad for the woman and happy for the litttal girl but he had the same fachel exspreshion.

with the French word montage it is just a meaning for editing there is nothing differnt to any other editing stial. 


Editing styles and conventions

 There are many differnt stials of montage there is they french, soviet and hollywood.