With cinema it is one of the biggest industry's in the word today but Auguste Lumiere did not think so he thought that there was know future in the film industry but he was proven wrong.
in the film The life of an American fireman was done in 1903 and was very important to the film, editing and cinema because it was the first film that had two scenes shown at the same time so it was edited together so instead of having every scene just put together and the audience has go figure out what is going on in the film. With this film they would cut to each scene so you would no what is going on so in the film it would go to a house on fire then the fireman and back to the house.

I think that the past of film has given film most of what we us today for example in the film untouchables in one of the scenes a baby is going down a flight of stairs in a pram and Eisenstein done the same sequence in the film Battle ship potenkin.
One of the most interesting things in the 1940s and 1950s they had woman doing all of the editing because all of the directors and chief editing thought that it was a woman job because it is the same as knitting so a woman was the best for the job but as soon as sound came in to film then they thought that a man should do it because it was more complected so they thought that the woman could not do it.
I think if it was not for the past of film and editing we would not have what we have today.
A good start Nathan, I like the way you have condensed some of the important points from the "cutting Edge" documentary. If might be useful in future posts to use videos to help illustrate your points for example the Stairs and Pram shot matched in both films. Can you go back and check for some minor errors for example you need to change the word no to know and Las vagues to Las Vegas. Also it would help you description of “an American fireman” to discuss the tension built up by having the shots of the firemen cut with the shots of the fire?